The box contains three essential oil bottles each of which contain a different essential oil. The bottles are labelled with the following: Lavender, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus. The box is meant to be used to help with various ailments such as skin irritations, acne, wound care, respiratory problems, and colds and flu.
First Aids combination of oils are a must have in any household. These versatile essential oils carry diverse therapeutic properties. Lavender, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus are known for their cleansing, calming, and cooling abilities. They are often used to soothe skin irritations, acne; care for wounds, burns and insect bites; and to ward off colds and flu. Cleanse your mind and home - place a few drops of the oils to a diffuser or aroma burner. Apply to topical ailments after combining with a carrier oil of choice.
A versatile set of everyday essential oils. Lavender, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oil hold multiple therapeutic properties making them a favourite for skincare, wound care, respiratory and cold and flu support.